We are here to
  • rebuild.
  • renew.
  • transform.
  • educate.


In the heart
of Africa, a new
dawn rises.

5 million+

lives touched

lives touched


meals per day

meals per day


increase in school

increase in school  attendance

1 million+

 liters of rain water harvesting capacity increased annually

liters of rain water harvesting capacity increased annu

360° community development programme

Addressing the current challenges, Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care’s initiatives undertake a multidimensional, holistic approach to uplift communities in need. The 360 degree community development programme, encompassing SRLC’s 10 cares, is committed to overcoming the cycle of hunger, poverty, and unemployment in Africa.

Feeding Programme
Water Supply Solutions
Women Empowerment
Vocational Training
Agricultural Sustainability
Health Care

Feeding Programme

Shape a brighter tomorrow by nourishing students today.

This flagship initiative aims to feed students daily in food insecure communities; with nutrient-dense meals that boost energy and physical health, creating a domino effect promoting holistic development of the child and a positive cycle of growth and learning.

Our Uji porridge provided is more nutritionally dense and caloric than standard porridge to better support growing children. The Uji contains a millet, soy, and corn based, fortified with vitamins, minerals, and Moringa Oleifera.


“We have seen this initiative be of great help. In our recent examination results, our school ranking jumped from 16 to 4. If not for this feeding programme, many children would have just been at home.”

Madame Josephine, Deputy Head Teacher, UVUU Primary School
Makueni County, Kenya

water solutions
Water Solutions
women empowerment
Women Empowerment
vocational training
Vocational Training
agricultural sustainability
Agricultural Sustainability
Health Care

In the various schools adopted, new rainwater harvesting infrastructure is being built and existing infrastructure is being repaired. Build borehole water systems

“Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care has helped us to plant fruit seedlings, which we are watering daily from the borehole constructed by the organisation. The water is helping us grow the crops, as well as providing hydration to the children who take water home daily from here.”

Joseph Nzonzi, Head Teacher of Syunguni Primary School, Kenya

Education is a basic right of every child.

Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care’s holistic education systems are providing long-term growth infrastructure for the future to at-risk youth

  • Building and improving school infrastructure, including libraries, computer labs and more.
  • Distributing educational aids, such as backpacks, writing materials, notebooks, etc.
  • Working with schools to integrate hands-on, non-traditional approaches to learning within existing curriculums.
  • Providing higher education scholarships to promote further studies.

Women not only play a pivotal role in their families, they also serve as the cornerstone for significant societal development. Our initiatives aim to uplift them through skill development, employment, and community groups.

“Grateful for SRLC’s initiative, cooking Uji since 2019 has funded both my children’s education and provided food security. With no other job, this support has been a lifeline”

Agness Namani
Syunguni Village, Kenya

This initiative offers hands-on, industry-specific training and job opportunities for students who have not pursued higher education.

  • Woodworking artisans repurpose waste pallets to create desks for our schools.
  • Hairdressers and makeup artists are trained and supported to establish their own salons.
  • Widows and single mothers learn sewing machine skills to become financially independent.

This initiative plants kitchen gardens to augment the feeding programme in each school, thus addressing malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. It teaches students agricultural skills through experiential learning to later provide them with future employment opportunities.

In an effort to improve overall health of the local population, this initiative involves:

  • Conducting multi-speciality mega-medical camps and primary health screening camps
  • Diagnosing walk-in patients for common issues such as anaemia and vision and hearing impairment
  • Organising regular deworming camps at schools.
  • Supporting children with disabilities.

About Us

Inspired by Shrimad Rajchandraji and guided by Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji, Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care is an initiative of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur to offer service and bring joy to the lives of the underserved sections of society.

Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care has been granted ‘Special Consultative Status’ by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC).

Mission Africa works across the spectrum of goals enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations members.

United Nations

Case Study: Makueni, Kenya

Representing one of the worst climate-induced emergencies in decades, the current drought crisis has pushed Sub-Saharan Africa to the brink of starvation and resource depletion.

In Makueni, an agricultural county in Kenya, the drought has led to extreme water scarcity and nearly eliminated the primary source of food. An average child eats 1 meal every 3 days.

As a result of the feeding programme, absenteeism has gone down by 99%, from missing an average of 130 days to 2 days.

The programme has created a positive impact in our school. We now have very few cases of learners who are absent. Previously, students used to go to hospitals as they were sick.
Attendance has improved magnificently - that is because the parents are assured that students are well-fed and safe. And in-class performance has also improved due to better attention, concentration, and retention of information.

Monica Motua, Teacher at Musunguu Primary School

Makueni County, Kenya

Kithuia Primary School in Kenya was fully constructed, and 3 other schools were renovated, positively impacting over 3,500 primary school children in total.

Before Picture
  • 10 libraries and computer labs built
  • 5,000+ pairs of shoes and socks provided
  • 25,000+ books and stationary distributed
  • 1,000+ primary students’ school fees funded

Water supply solutions so far have saved 3,000 children from walking about 3 hours each to fetch water!

The borehole water system in Makueni County is currently providing 3,000 litres of water daily and helps sustain 100 households in the community.

Rainwater harvesting systems have been installed in every primary school in Makueni.

The vocational training programme supports
3 centres in the Kitteta Zone.

Woodworking artisans have provided more than
1000 children with desks in schools.

After acquiring new skills such as stitching and
salon services, many women have established
their own businesses with start-up support.

In more than 20 schools, a total of over 2,000 fruit and indigenous trees have been planted. Each tree planted will provide approximately 600 fruits per year.

Improvised drip irrigation systems have been created to help local farmers save water. Farmers are also being educated on how to help improve soil quality to reduce aflatoxins in their maize crop.

Green Farm

A 2-day mega medical camp was held in Makueni, treating over 2200 patients for free. Specialities included general medicine, surgery, paediatrics, gynaecology, oncosurgery, ENT, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, dentistry, plastic surgery, and physiotherapy.

  • Nearly 50 cataract surgeries
  • 150 dental surgeries
  • 40+ large tumor removals
  • 20+ orthopaedic surgeries

Where we serve

We are committed to extending love and care to all regions of the continent.

Serve Locations

When love and compassion unite, miracles unfold.

- Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji